Hi, I’m Lindsey!
I am a complete nerd to all things holistic and an absolute ingredient junky. I love treating skin and giving instant gratification services such as waxing, tinting, spray tans and anything eyelashes.
My heritage is one of Native American dissent. I’ve lived in Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Arkansas and of course Montana since 2009. My father named me Running Bare when I was young. While I never imagined that I would own a business with that name, I am so thankful that my path led me to it. I truly love serving others!
Why did I create Running Bare?
In 2009, after moving to Montana, I became very ill. For 8 months I ran a high temp and had boils covering and wrecking my skin. During those 8 months while in and out of the hospital, doctors' offices and having had a ridiculous amount of medications enter my body, I started to wonder if I was going to die or if I was going to have to heal myself. While treating myself and understanding my diagnoses, which didn’t come until later, I became quite obsessed with studying nutrition, human biology, plant biology, western and eastern medicines. We tend to do that when something is wrong with us. You know, trying to get your hands on as much information as possible.
Finally, my sickness subsided or went dormant until 2013. In 2013, I had pancreatitis. My sickness then snowballed for 9 months. Same thing, in and out of doctors' offices, more scarring on my face and then finally, a diagnosis. I have an autoimmune disease called, SAPHO syndrome accompanied by Ankylosing Spondylitis. Western medicine wanted to treat me with western medicine. While I truly believe there is a time and place for it, they tend to treat the symptoms and not the cause. I do not fault them for that. That is how they’re trained. I went that route for a very long time thinking I was a strange and rare case that only western medicine could help. In the meantime, I was also trying to educate myself on the body, bodily functions and food as medicine. As a Native American, I wanted to get in touch more with my roots of holistic medicine as well as other alternative remedies. In my studies I discovered so many things that absolutely made sense to me.
Ultimately, I discovered my calling as an aesthetician because I never wanted anyone to feel this lost again. I found Dr. Johnson with Osmosis through all of my studies. Dr. Johnson is a holistic MD. His beliefs and his education were so similar to all the research I had done. Partnering with Osmosis and Dr. Johnson has helped me to get further education in nutrition, holistic medicine, and skin specific conditions such as acne, eczema, rosacea, psoriasis and mature skin. With a 98% success rate with our clients, I truly believe treating the skin from the inside out it the only approach to seeing permanent change.
While I am human, I still slip up on diet and then deal with inflammation as well, it helps me to remember that we all deserve grace. And I believe our clients deserve the same while being treated with skin conditions.
Some of my specialties include- nutrition, eczema, psoriasis, acne, rosacea, and mature skin.
Our treatments and facials are different than anyone around. The approach is one that we focus on treating the entire body. Our facials are results driven. While holistic is always going to be harder because it takes time, we cannot honestly treat our clients in good conscience any other way, but holistically.
Running Bare offers many other fabulous services along with skincare services. Each service is something we absolutely enjoy giving to the public. Helping someone to feel more beautiful when they leave is a feeling that’s indescribable to us. We love what we do! We love helping others to become the best versions of themselves!
Thank you for choosing us as your aesthetic provider! We know choosing us out of so many others is truly a great honor!
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